Maintenance & Landscaping
- Help us keep the home in good shape by offering your skills in plumbing, installing hardware, etc.
- Maintain and create landscaping
- Host an event (ex: garage sale, Prayer night, etc.)
- Host a Brunch or Lunch-n-Learn event with friends
- Ask about joining our fundraising committee
- Join our list of volunteers to help during large scale events
- Volunteer at our Annual November Fundraiser
-Join our Board of Directors. We are looking to add business and strategic minded individuals.
-Become an advocate in your local church, school, or workplace by introducing us to your pastor, teachers, and co-workers.
- Transportation
- Teach a class
- Lead workouts
- Become a mentor
- Share your hobby
- Sponsor a monthly themed event
Join our Intercessory prayer team contact
Set your alarms for 9:38AM everyday and join us in praying for both our SFMB staff members and Eden’s Glory Team every day following verse “The problem is not that the harvest is not ready to hear. But the problem is the laborers are few” Matthew 9:38