Tee Up for Freedom Thank You’s!

In the end of April, all 125 of us, including our Champion, Warrior, and Defender Sponsors and the incredible staff at Tehama Golf Club, teamed up in our Tee Up for Freedom: Golfing Against Exploitation fundraising event. Together, we made significant contributions to change in our community. Your collective response to both the challenges and the hope in the fight against human trafficking in our area was powerful. You raised over $100,000 that will directly benefit the lives of survivors and raise awareness in our community.

We can’t thank you enough to everyone who made this day possible. We are grateful to our Champion, Warrior, and Defender Sponsors for your foundational support. We could not have done this event without you! We also want to thank the incredible Team at Tehama Golf Club, including Jennifer Davis, Tony C, and David Johnson, who worked diligently. We are grateful to Carmel Stone and the SFMB planning teams, especially Kinsey Tostado and Robbie Robinson, for championing the endeavor!

We want to celebrate the participants in our golf tournament, as well! Congratulations to the winning foursome: Ferrari, Hawbaker, McKinder, and Steudler!

As you continue to consider the day’s events, we invite you to respond. Share about your experience with those around you. Reach out to ask the questions that have stirred up since hearing the inspiring message of our keynote speaker, Ashley Chesney, Executive Director of SFMB. Engage your network or resources in strategic ways. Give in the ways you are compelled. And most of all, invite others to join you! 


April is HUGE for SFMB!