Empowering Churches to Bring the Love of Jesus to Those Caught in Human Trafficking

Only the Lord can soften hearts, save souls, and bring healing to those caught in Human Trafficking.


That’s why Set Free Monterey Bay partners with local churches to provide education, information, and calls to action for churches and individuals to take bold steps in relieving human trafficking here on the Monterey Peninsula.

We offer a variety of different formats to help bring awareness to congregations: in-service interviews with our team, after-service events, information tables, and more. Our goal is to empower churches to take action and show how the Lord is working through them.

Contact us today to learn more about how your church can participate in this critical ministry..

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What People Are Saying


“I was grateful knowing that our church was concerned [about human trafficking] and we were able to host a symposium.”

— Adrienne, SFMB Supporter

“I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the SFMB team, and was really glad they were able to come speak at our church and share their vision. There is such a big need here.”

— Jan, SFMB Supporter

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