New Resident & Prayers

Our New Resident Is On Her Way!

We will welcome a new resident in the coming week! We are looking forward to the opportunity to welcome her to the safe house well, and we need your help to make it feel like home.

If you would like to contribute to her welcome basket, you may select items from the wishlist. Please be sure anything you order will arrive by 2/16 so our staff has enough time to collect and prepare them for her. We also encourage our entire SFMB community to be praying for a smooth transition for all of our residents, and for healing to be evident even in the first few moments when she enters the home.

Prayers This Weekend

With large-scale events like the AT&T ProAm and the Super Bowl, we can see an uptick in trafficking reports. While sexual exploitation occurs around gatherings such as these, the opportunity and demand of this industry continues throughout the entire year. We must remember that those who are being trafficked at the Super Bowl, for example, had already entered the life and been groomed for this much earlier than this week. According to the most recent Polaris study in 2021, there were 7,898 situations of sex trafficking-related reports made to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline which involved 11,278 individual victims. These numbers of documented cases are only a fraction of the fullness of what is happening around the country. Please answer the call to pray not only around big events but also in every day life, that we would see fewer buyers contributing to and fewer victims trapped in the sex industry.

Fundraiser for SFMB: February 13th

The fundraiser is coming up soon and only a few tickets remain! On Monday February 13th from 5pm - 7:30pm, Twisted Roots Wine will host a special evening for the ladies in our community! At this unique Galentine's wine tasting event, we will not only celebrate the female friendships that make our lives so beautiful, but also to learn more about and fundraise for Set Free Monterey Bay. A portion of all ticket sales will be set aside to financially support SFMB, so mark your calendars and bring a friend. We are so excited to partner with Twisted Roots Wine and hope to see you there!

Reminder of Our New Address

Just as a reminder, we have changed our address! Please update our details in your contacts list and send any future correspondence or donations to our address in Monterey:

2511 Garden Road, Suite 260B, Monterey CA 93940

Your Gift Changes Lives

SFMB relies on the financial support of one-time and monthly donors who care deeply about changing the lives of survivors of sex-trafficking. Your gift will contribute directly to the quality, compassionate care with which our team sets up our safe house. See the change today: give to SFMB or become a monthly supporter by clicking the donate button below.

Thank you!

-SFMB Team


Updates & Invitations


Fundraiser Invite with January 2023 Update